Check the strength of your password

You can use this tool to check the strength of your passwords. No data is sent from or stored on this page. Enter your proposed password and the tool will tell you how long it would take a standard PC to crack it. (note: the field will turn green when your password meets the UXB Internet Server requirements)

Test your password

Password Do's and Don't

Follow these password do's and don'ts to help protect your data and your identity.

Things You Should NOT Do

  • DON'T make obvious choices like your last name, first name, nickname, birthdate, spouse name, pet name, make/model of car, or favorite expression.
  • DON'T choose your username as your password.
  • DON'T share your password with anyone. Once it is out of your control, so is your security.
  • DON'T use a word contained in English or foreign language dictionaries, spelling lists or commonly digitized texts such as the Bible or an encyclopedia.
  • DON'T use an alphabet sequence (lmnopqrst), a number sequence (12345678) or a keyboard sequence (qwertyuop).
  • DON'T use a password shorter than six (6) characters.
  • DON'T use a word spelled backwards.
  • DON'T use a password of all digits, or all the same letter.
  • DON'T use the same password for more than one system or web site.
  • DON'T Use numbers in place of letters. For example, "Password" becomes "Pa55w0rd." Dictionary programs are also equipped to combat this technique.
  • DON'T Use dates to create a password (for example, AUguST2001).
  • DON'T Re-use any of your last 10 passwords.
  • DON'T Use the password you've picked for your email account at any online site: If you do, and an e-commerce site you are registered at gets hacked, there's a good chance someone will be reading your e-mail soon.
  • DON'T Provide your password or any of your sensitive or confidential information over e-mail or instant message. Think of an e-mail message or IM like a postcard. The information can be seen while it's traversing the Internet. Also, once you send an e-mail, you no longer control the information in it. It can be forwarded to other people without your knowledge or consent.
  • DON'T Use sample passwords given on different Web sites.

Things You Should Do

  • DO pick a password you will remember
  • DO change your password regularly
  • DO use a mix of uppercase and lowercase characters.
  • DO use punctuation marks and special characters such as #, $, %.
  • DO use a password that you can type quickly without having to look at your keyboard. This makes it harder for someone to notice your password if they happen to be watching over your shoulder.
  • DO use a password with 8 or more characters. More is better.
  • DO create different passwords for different accounts and applications.

NOTE: As a courtesy, we provide information about how to use certain third-party products, but we do not endorse or directly support third-party products and we are not responsible for the functions or reliability of such products. All rights reserved.